Underwater life

Approach and photographer a  couple of Risso's dolphin underwater, Grampus griseus, is very difficult and requires specific knoledge of the caracteristic behavior of these beatifull creatures of the marine wildlife
A Lionfish taken in the Red sea throught an innovative technique of underwater photographer that uses movement and light to paint coulored strokes  as a brush developped by Silvia Boccato during Fotosub competitions.
Silvia Boccato is approaching in free dive these two juvenil Pilot Whale Globicefalo macrorhynchus in the bleu pelagic water around Canary Island with her underwater housing
A special relaxing moment of underwater life and wildlife with a one gentle giant, Floridae Manatee, is swinging on the underwater  trunk of a tree reflected near the surface.
In the Fosub competition the model is the centre of interest in the underwater wideangle with model category, in  this shoot Silvia Boccato is costantly searching technical innovation where the movment is trasformed into splashes of colour.
An underwater photography taken close to the surface with another point of view of the world from below. this shoot have made very close to this juvenil of sea lion, Zalophus californianus,  that means an interactive relationship between the photographer and the animal that shows his characteristic behavior.
A shoot of Silvia Boccato, underwater photographer, in free dive using only fins, mask anfd snorkel, with this approach is possible to stay very close to this Humpback whale and her calf of only four days of life. Unforgatteble expirences that teaches us a great respect of the underwater marine wildlife.
a Silvia Boccato's underwater shoot under the thin surface of the water  looking for effects of brushstrokes of light and reflexes in the water of  mediterranean sea.
An extraordinary moment of feeding of a Whale shark, Rhincodont typus, of 11 mt long captured by a shoot of the underwater photographer Silvia Boccato  in a free immersion  in the South  California water the only one possible approach that can not disturb the natural behaviour of this big giant of the ocean.
A look at the world  from below, an upside-down world, a virtual world that trees become underwater, this is the personal out-look of the underwater photographer Silvia Boccato that is costant looking for a poetry in her image
A large and noisy group of a Spotted dolphin, Stenella fontalis, that shows his natural attitude loud, curioy, noisy, fast, playful, skipped taken by the underwater photographer Silvia Boccato in free dive the only possible  way to be approached by these spectacular animals in the marine  wild
This zoom effect while taken the shot in camera made underwater allows to create an image where the subject is either moving towards or away from you with motion lines in this case a giant grouper in El Hierro Island during an underwater photography competition
The nice and delicate face of Maya Zavrtanic, the faithful model of the underwater photographer Silvia Boccato, during the international underwater photography competitions or fotosub shooted with an innovative technique of the rotation of the itself camera. Il delicato e bel viso di Maya Zavrtanic
A funny clown fish faces trought his sea anemone protecting him in a exstraordinary symbiosis in a photography shooted in Red Sea during a fotosub competition
An extraordinary moment of feeding or playing of a  juvenil sea lion , Zolophus californianus, captured by a shoot of the underwater photographer Silvia Boccato  in the  Sea of Cortez in Baja California in an attitude that causes as less disturbans as possible to the natural behaviour of these curious and playful animals
A NaturArt image of underwater photography where a small detail near the surface can provide an opportunity to create a water effects of paint brush and light streaks shooted by the underwater photographer Silvia Boccato in fresh water of the Florida's Spring
A different image of underwater photography, the NaturArt starts from a small detail that can provide an opportunity to create a water effects that are umpredicyable and exciting shooted by Silvia Boccato in fresh water of the Florida's Springs
Silvia Boccato is approaching in free dive these two juvenil Pilot Whale Globicefalo macrorhynchus in the bleu pelagic water around Canary Island with her underwater housing
A special relaxing moment of underwater life and wildlife with a one giant gentle, Floridae Manatee, is swinging on the underwater  trunk of a tree reflected on the surface captured not at all disturbed from the underwater photographer Silvia Boccato that was shoting in free immersion with mask and snorkel
A dreamlike moment of underwater wildlife with a one gentle giant in the sunset of clear and warm waters of the Florida's Spring, this magnificient Floridae Manatee one sub-Spaces of the Sirenidi order, Trichechus manatus latirostris,  is shooted not at all disturbed from the underwater photographer Silvia Boccato that was shoting in free immersion
A bang of underwater marine life under a pier in a shallow water in Red Sea. The underwater photographer Silvia Boccato plays with lights reflextions created by the surface
An inviting attitude of a female of sea lion; Zalophus californianus; in the special period of the couplings shooted by the underwater photographer boccato silvia after hours of approach without creating disturbing element of the natural behaviour of this special marine wildlife
In the Fosub competition the model is the centre of interest in the underwater wideangle with model category in  this shoot Silvia Boccato, that is costantly searching technical innovation, creats an underwater portrait in half-half underwater photography  emphasizing the picture frame of the wonderfull water of Tuscany Islands
An extraordinary moment of feeding of a Whale shark, Rhincodont typus, of 11 mt long captured by a shoot of the underwater photographer Silvia Boccato  in a free immersion  in the South  California water the only one possible approach that can not disturb the natural behaviour of this big giant of the ocean
The nice and delicate face of Maya Zavrtanic, the faithful model of the underwater photografer Silvia Boccato, during the last CMAS underwater photography world Championship in Bodrum Turkey  shooted with an innovative technique of the rotation of the itself camera
A loving attitude of two juvenils of Sea lion , Zalophus californianus,  while they are playing in the surface not at all disturbed from the underwater photographer Silvia Boccato after hours of approching them with an interactive relationship
A panning image applicated in underwater photography by the undrewater photographer Silvia Boccato emphasized from the metallic send colour of Canaries Islands. It requires  a perfect balance between the natural underwater lights and the strobes artificial light of the camera
A bottlenose dolphin, Tursiop truncatus, is approching with his naturally  curious attitude  to the underwater photographer Silvia Boccato in the water of Tenerife Island
The bright coloring of  a Micromelo undatus one of the best example of underwater marine life and adaptation  to the extreme conditions of  the intertidal rock pool shooted by Silvia Boccato with only mask and snorkel in Canary Islands
Swim alongside these spectacular creatures so intelligent and curious is an experience that leves its mark  to each underwater photographer. The pilot whale, Globicephala macrorhynchus,  are seeking the contact if are interested and theach to the photographer to be able to wait the right moment to shoot.
The personal way of play  underwater photography of the photographer Silvia Boccato  where the water is an istrument wich creates illusions, virtual images, and unexpecyed and distorted pictures as she looked at the world from below
Swim alongside the pilot whale,  Globicephala macrorhynchus,  teach to each underwater photographer to be able to wait the right moment because are they who are seeking the contact with the homans. This pix is shooted by Silvia Boccato with free dive
Copyright 2011 Silvia Boccato. Progetto grafico e Sviluppo Peja Design